Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week One: Introduction

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog for Narratives in Design (Digital Media III). It's only just the beginning of the course and I'm already freaking out about the amount of work this semester. But, I'm also excited to get into it and start work. So to give you a low down of what happened this week in Digital Media III:

Day One: Introduction into 2d animation & what we can create in Macromedia Flash. We saw lots of different types of animations that we will be aspiring to create over the course of the semester. Slightly freaked out by some of the amazing drawing & animations. I'm definately going to have to scrub up on my drawing skills this semester! Also we got into a bit of Flash basics, shortcuts, etc.

Day Two: Got more into the Flash stuff. Created a bouncing ball which I will attach to the post. Didn't have too many difficulties with this one. However, I am starting to see how much work really goes into animation.

Lastly, I have started work on Assignment I (the concept pitch). I have thought of a few ideas & characters for the story. I'm just struggling to keep the story line short so that it would be possible to run for 1-2 mins. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

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